Aircraft emissions and climate effects  

Course Contents The course introduces the students in the state-of-the-art capabilities, research issues and challenges in climate effects of aviation. Topics include: - Combustion and emissions - Overview of all environmental effects of aviation - Air pollution relevant atmospheric chemistry and physics - Local air pollution modelling - Aviation environmental policy, new technologies, and other mitigation options - General circulation of the atmosphere - Atmospheric chemistry and contrail formation - Climate change caused by air traffic emissions - Modelling of climate impact from aviation - Application and show cases for the assessment of mitigation options supporting decision making, e.g. for climate optimized trajectories Study Goals The course aims at providing the students with a thorough understanding of the theory and modelling of the climate impact of air traffic. These elements are required, for example, for the assessment of the air quality and climate impact of aviation and mitigation measures, including climate optimised trajectories/routing, low climate impact routing and consequences for aircraft design and supersonic transport.
Aircraft emissions and climate effects

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